Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog #4

The movie scene that I chose to do my blog assignment was Forrest Gump. The reason that I chose to use this movie is because throughout the movie the sounds always make an impact on the scenes. The scene I chose uses listening modes very well. From beginning to end the scene I chose used great casual sound. One huge one was in the entire scene you could hear birds chirping which enhanced the effect that they were outside. Semantic sound in the scene could be the airplane that you here in the background while Forrest is talking to the lady at the bus stop.  When looking at space with this movie you can first look at size, distance, and perception. In this scene all are pretty basic since it is two people sitting on a bench talking to each other. There are a few sounds in background but those are flat sounds. The subjective and emotional sound in the scene kind of helps you feel like you can place yourself in the scene. The sounds are very natural and simple which helps the audience place themselves in the scene to help add to the effect. Forrest Gump uses both space and listening modes very well in this movie.

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