Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog #1

Mr. Invincible
Mr. Invincible colors are gold and silver for multiple reasons. First, gold is the color of belief. Gold is also associated with faith, which can attribute to how much the people he protects have faith in him to protect them. While on the other hand silver is known to be the color of strength. Strength is something that is very important to have when protecting people. When combined, gold and silver can be extremely intimidating for the villain but for the people he protects it will send them a strong message of protection. Along with that gold and silver combined is a very sleek combo.

 The picture I have chosen to explain the light of Mr. Invincible has a lot of meaning to it. In the picture, the sun shining through the clouds over a city. Now this goes with how Mr. Invincible is to the city that he protects. He brings brightness and warmth amongst the people of city because the city knows that they are safe under his protection. Also, like the sunrays in the picture, Mr. Invincible covers the entire city with his surveillance and protection. It shows that he is everywhere no matter what to protect the city.

A comet is the perfect shape for Mr. Invincible. The first reason for this is because Mr. Invincible can fly, and when he does fly it is so fast that he looks like a bright light shooting across the sky. Second, a comet can cover a great distance in little time. This relates to Mr. Invincible and how he protects his city. He can keep surveillance over the large city well because of how fast he is. Last, when people see a comet or a shooting star they get excited and happy. Now this also applies to Mr. Invincible because whenever the city people see him they become happy and enlightened to see him.

The Dark Flame
 The picture I have chosen for The Dark Flames colors include all three of the colors that he is. First I will start with the black background. Black is obviously known for darkness, evil comes from darkness. This helps show how The Dark Flame is evil and likes darkness. Now even though I know fire isn’t a color, the colors in the fireball help explain the colors of The Dark Flame. First red is the sign of danger and war, which The Dark Flame loves. The dark orange in the picture attributes to the act of being mean and showing distrust.

This picture of light is very similar to the picture I chose for Mr. Invincible but there is a huge difference. This picture shows the darkness over the city, the darkness that The Dark Flame creates. The main color of The Dark Flame is black, which is a dark color, which adds to who he is as a character, dark. He is the villain and is extremely evil, so when darkness overcomes the city this is when he does his works of evil because it is when he can come out and create his chaos of darkness. 

There are many reasons that this picture best suits The Dark Flames shape. First since it is The Dark Flame he takes shape of fire. Along with that the picture can also add to the inner state of The Dark Flame. Due to who he is and the darkness that engulfs him he has a point where he cant become so enraged that he explodes into a fiery explosion which then he begins to create his dark chaos amongst the city. The background also helps to the shape of him since his shape is fire but it is also dark.

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