Saturday, March 3, 2012

Blog #5

First-Mean, Taylor Swift
Second- Mean Planes Taylor Gangs, Wiz Khalifa 

For this blog assisnment I decided to pick two songs that included artists that I really like. The first one is Mean by Taylor swift, and the second one is a mash up between Mean and Wiz Khalifas song Planes and Taylor Gangs. The title of it is Mean Planes and Taylor Gangs. The reason that I wanted to use these two songs is because they include my favorite artists, also the two songs are very easy to compare and contrast.
            For listening phase one the tempo between the two songs differed. Taylor Swifts song Mean had more of a medium tempo to it. It never was really slow nor did it get fast. The mash up song was a different story though. The tempo of Mean Planes and Taylor Gangs had more of faster tempo. This is because of Wiz Khalifas song was more upbeat and quicker.  The sources between the two songs differ between which song your listening to. Mean by Taylor Swift was her voice, the banjo, and the clapping that kind of kept the rhythm. On the other hand Wiz Khalifas song source depended on what was playing. This is because it also included Mean by Taylor Swift. The overall source of his song was his drum kit beat he had throughout the song. But when her part came in the song it was her songs source that drove the song. But other then that Wiz Khalifas rapping aslso adds to the source.  The groove between the two songs were a little different. Taylor Swift song was more poppy, fun, light, and folk. Wiz song was also poppy but it had pulse, and it was unique.
            Listening phase two also had similarities and differences.  For instrumentation in Taylors song I would say its mainly the banjo driving the song. In Wiz song the beat made by a drum kit is what drives the song.  The structure/organization between the two songs were very well organized and easy to follow. Both songs typically went intro/verse/chorus/verse and so on throughout the song. The emotional architecture was a little different though. In Taylors song it seemed to grow more and more as the song went on. In Wiz song I would say it was pretty much the same throughout the song.
            Listening Phase three were pretty similar between the two. Height was the same, width had some panning in Taylors song but not Wiz. The depth were similar since in Wiz song it had the same depth used in Taylors song.
            In the end I would say that I like Wiz version of the song better. I think this because it gave a great song a reason to like it even more. It added uniqueness and its fun to listen to.

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