Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Blog #8

I think the theme in this movie is that life is full of surprises and opportunities. The reason that this scene perfect expresses that theme is for the most famous quote in the movie - "life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you'll get."

Well out of the five movement doesn’t play much of a factor because it’s a scene between two stationary people. Space and rhythm would also be tough to critique from this clip, so I will go over line and shape.
            First with line I feel like the use of line wasn’t used in this scene. It doesn’t appear that there are any lines in the scene that make my point of interest the characters. Like showed in the power point there are lines that are specifically placed to help the point of interest towards the main characters, but in the scene there was nothing like that.
            The shapes also didn’t seem to have much of an impact on this scene. From what I know of shapes and how they work in media, this scene seems to not use shape at all. Forrest has more of a square head and his mom has a circular head but I really don’t think that it attributes to the film.
            Overall I really didn’t see how any of these things added to the movie.

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